Simms Thomas' book, The Secret Layer, is now available -
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Book Selections
The Secret Layer - NOW AVAILABLE
Sophisticated and beautiful Emily Anderson was flying high as a glamorous flight attendant after successfully putting a horrid secret behind her. Her savvy, no nonsense approach to life was serving her well, and as her investment portfolio grew, so did her romance with business tycoon Eric Blake --- Until he tried to kill her. Read more
To purchase with check or money order: Mail your order to Box 53112, Knoxville, TN 37923. Check or money order made out to Simms Thomas INC. Total:$14.80 ($10.00 plus $4.80 priority shipping) Allow 4-6 weeks for shipping. Please include your address and the person's name to whom you would like the autograph made out.
The Product Specialist Handbook - NOW AVAILABLE
Over 50 years of combined experience in public speaking and product presentation. Now, more than ever, it is important that your product is presented to the public by professionals who understand the techniques required to get potential customers to recognize the value and advantages of your product, which will increase your sales! Read more
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